The structural analysis and design of G+15 building with the connection skywalk is done using software StaddPRO V8i. The planning is done in AUTOCAD 2019. The G+15 building with the connection skywalk which connect the two buildings to facilitates the movement of the people inside the building. The plan of the G+15 building will be drawn. The analysis of the speed, quality and construction aspects will be done. The building will be designed as per the IS codes. The various loads acting on the G+15 building will be calculated based on the Indian Standard Code books. It gives a platform to work hand to hand with the people of other department such IT department. The building will be designed keeping the economic aspect in mind with sufficient durability and strength.
The high rise building concept which is the demand of the future generation. We are moving toward the era where the land is less and the population demand is quite high. To meet the basic demand of each individual human being was residence which can be fulfilled by the making the high rise building. The tall building can fulfill the demand. They save space and accommodate more residents as compared to individual houses. Tall buildings provide a aesthetic and a modern look to the city. Due to much space inside of the building it could fit more than one company in it. Hence saves much space in the city. Another advantage of the tall building is that it can saves more land for agricultural purpose. Hence in
this project we have planed, analysed and designed the G+15 building with the connection skywalk which connect the two buildings to facilitates the movement of the people inside the building. The successful construction of G+15 buildings are based upon clear understanding of the conduct of the structure, relevant analysis theory and methodologies, use of software, and explicit design principles.
This building was being made in the location of taramandal which is located in the Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh. The location coordinates of the site is 26°43'54.6"N 83°22'53.2"E and the altitude is 73.7176827. The total plot area required for this peoject was 9000m2. The total height of the building is 48 m. The building connecting skywalk at the 8th floor of the building which is of 9 m in length. The building project was economical and this project help us to understand the various components of the building and the loads acting on the building and their effects on the building. And to design the structural components like slab, beam,
column, foundation of the G+15 building. The plan of the G+15 building will be drawn. The analysis of the speed, quality and construction aspects will be done. The various loads acting on the G+15 building will be calculated based on the Indian Standard Code books. It gave us the opportunity to work with the other department students which help us to gain knowledge.
The Planning, analysis and design of G + 15 building is done successfully. The methodology and plan for a G + 15 building is presented in this project. Limit state of method has been used as the method for the design of the building. The successful construction of G+15 buildings are based upon clear understanding of the conduct of the structure, relevant analysis theory and methodologies, use of software. They take longer to build and are generally 25-40% more expensive per square meter than a low-rise building. It will increase the pollution caused during the construction of a building. Hence followed the NBC guide lines during the construction. The design of joints connecting slabs and RC walls is designed constrain.
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